
Please check information about the city, how to get to Cracow and to the conference.

We would like to recomend you the following places for accomodation in Kraków.

Cheap hostels/hotels:
Hostel 70's
Patria from 60 PLN with a password "konferencja GeeCON 2009"
DS-Krakowiak from 99PLN
DS Piast from 95 PLN
Hotel Korona from 100 PLN

Avarage prices:
Delta Hostel from 130PLN
Hotel Wilga from 190 PLN with password "konferencja GeeCON2009"
Hotel Apis (very close to the conference venue but not so close to the city center) from 230 PLN however with a password "konferencja GeeCON2009" there will be a bargain.
U Pana Cogito from 230 PLN
Hotel Ruczaj from 230 PLN
Petrus from 240 PLN

More expensive:
IBIS Kraków Centrum from 279 PLN, directly via email
Wielopole from 318 PLN

and many more hotels you can find here.